Price list
Gynecology outpatient clinic
Specialist gynecological examination
Pap smear + Vaginal pH
Pap smear - liquid cytology LBC Sure Path
Transvaginal ultrasound (TV Ultrasound)
TV ultrasound + color Doppler
Gynecological examination + Pap smear
Gynecological examination + Pap smear (LBC liquid cytology)
Gynecological examination + TV Ultrasound+Color Doppler
Gynecological examination + Pap smear +TV Ultrasound+Color Doppler
Gynecological examination + Pap smear (LBC liquid cytology)+TV Ultrasound+Color Doppler
Gynecological examination after childbirth (ULTRASOUND+ Pap smear)
Colposcopy+biopsy, with PHD (Pathohistological Diagnosis)
Vacuum aspiration (DVAC) + general iv. anesthesia
Medical termination of pregnancy
anti D immunoglobulin
Microbiological gynecological tests
Cervical screening test on aerobic bacteria+yeast infections
Cervical screening test on aerobic bacteria
Cervical screening on aerobic/anaerobic bacteria/yeast infections
Cervical screening on yeast infections
Cervical screening - BHSB screening
Cervical screening - culture Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma
Cervical screening - PCR Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma
Cervical screening - PCR Clamydia trachomatis
Cervical screening - PCR Mycoplasma hominis /genitalium/
Cervical screening - PCR Ureaplasma urealyticum/parvum
Cervical screening - PCR panel STD extended
Cervical screening - PCR genital ulcer panel
Cervical screening - PCR bacterial vaginosis panel + yeast infections
Cervical screening - PCR 2 panels /aerobic bacteria/yeast infections free of charge/
Cervical screening on HPV 28 types HR and 14 LR
Cervical screening - PCR 3 panels /aerobic cultures/yeast infections free of charge/
Cervical screening - PCR 3 panels+HPV 28 GB /aerobic cultures/yeast infections free of charge/
Urine culture and antibiogram
Pregnancy examinations
Pregnancy ultrasound
Pregnancy ultrasound (twins)
Mini Anomaly scan
Mini Anomaly scan /twins/
Mini Anomaly scan with NIPT tests
Anomaly scan
Amniocentesis (procedure)
AmniSure test
Pregnancy examination + Pap smear + Ultrasound
Pregnancy exam + Ultrasound + Color Doppler
Pregnancy exam + Ultrasound + Color Doppler + CTG
Maternity examination + 4DUZV/regular check-up/
Pregnancy examination + UZV + Color Doppler + CTG - first prenatal checkup
Pregnancy examination+Color Doppler+CTG (when overdue)
4D/5D Ultrasound
4D/5D Ultrasound (twins)
Color Doppler in pregnancy
Color Doppler in pregnancy +CTG
NIPT tests
NIFTY Standard
Qualified Degree 45
Qualified Degree 90
Qualified Degree 180
Qualified Degree 360
Qualified Full risk
MyPrenatal Basic
MyPrenatal Basic Plus
MyPrenatal Complete
MyPrenatal Premium
MyPrenatal Superior
Panorama Basic
Panorama Basic + Di George
Panorama Basic + 5 deletions
Vaginal delivery (hospitalization for 3 days) - hospitalization of the patient Neonatological care of the baby
Vaginal delivery – Repeated delivery
Repeated delivery at Hospital Podobnik
CAESAREAN SECTION DELIVERY (hospitalization 4 days) - surgery and anesthesia Neonatological care of the baby
Caesarean section delivery – Repeated delivery at Hospital Podobnik
Epidural analgesia
Cord blood collection for stem cells
Blood type and Rh Factor test for the baby, and treatment in case of Rhesus negative result in pregnant woman
Blood type test for the baby in case of jaundice
Phototherapy or increased supervision of the newborn /daily
Partner's stay in the hospital in a suite with a patient (daily)
Prolongation of hospitalization per day
Hospitalization in case of need of pregnancy monitoring /daily/
Gynecological surgeries
Laparotomy - hysterectomy
Laparotomy - myomectomy
Laparotomy - other
Vaginal - hysterectomy
Vaginal - hysterectomy + plasty
Sling operations KIM
TILOOP – posterior surgery + material - 3 days (855 € VAT included)
TILOOP – anterior surgery + material - 6 days (692 € VAT included)
Anterior plasty
Posterior plasty
Anterior and posterior plasty
Cervical amputation + front p.s. or Manchester-Fothergill sling
Manchester - Fothergill
Manchester - Fothergill et colporraphia posterior (6 days)
Manchester - Fothergill et colporraphia posterior (3 days)
Ex. Bartholin glands
Ex. tm. labia
LETZ biopsy under anesthesia
LETZ conization
LPSC – diagnostics/ sterilization
LPSC – salpingectomia, cystektomia/ovariectomia/adnex.
LPSC –myomectomy
LPSC dg /HYSC diagnostics
LPSC dg /HYSC operational/polyp
LPSC dg/HYSC op (myoma,septum)
LPSC operativna /HYSC dg
LPSC operational /HYSC op
HYSC Diagnostics
HYSC op (polyp)
HYSC op (myomectomy, septum)
Overnight stay 300 €
Intimate health
EVA*– vaginal treatment
EVA*– vulva treatment
EVA* – combined treatment
Dafne* – vaginal treatment
Dafne* 5-treatment package
Dafne* 10-treatment package
Eva Vulvo-Vaginal 5-treatment package
Eva* vulva 5-treatment package
Combi Dafne 5 treatments and EVA* 5 vulvo-vaginal treatments
Combi plus – Dafne 10 treatments and EVA 5* vulvo-vaginal treatments
*PURE mesotherapy JALU FILL hyaluronan included in every treatment
Each treatment includes a free gynecological examination and consultation with a gynecologist, and the choice of treatment, as well as monitoring during and after the treatment
20% discount on the full price for patients who gave birth in Podobnik Special Hospital
One-off payment by Visa, Diners, Visa Premium, Maestro, MasterCard cards.
Payment by 2-12 interest-free installments by Erste Bank and Zagrebačka banka Visa card, Zagrebačka banka MasterCard (with prior notice to the card company).
Payment by 2-30 interest-free installments by Diners card (prior notice to the card company).
Payment by up to 36 interest-free installments by Visa Premium PBZ card (with prior agreement and notification to the card company).
Cash / Card transactionsWe accept the following credit cards: