Maternity unit

Safe and Cozy
The birth of a child is the most important event in the life of the mother, the child and the entire family. Bearing in mind the importance of this event from a medical, but also a personal point of view, the expert team at Podobnik Maternity Unit has designed and developed comprehensive services for mothers in labor according to the smallest details. Integrated care is delivered from the moment of the patient’s arrival at the hospital until going home with the newborn child. We are guided by the most important aspects for all expectant mothers, namely safety, comfort, dedication to the mother and the highest quality health care. In order for the delivery to proceed as successfully as possible, optimal circumstances are extremely important. Our private maternity unit offers exactly that - the highest quality health care in a cozy and safe environment where your child will start their life.
Individual Approach
What distinguishes us from others is the individual approach to each expectant mother. Every woman in labor has at her disposal a gynecologist, anesthesiologist, neonatologist and several nurses and midwives, who take care of her 24 hours a day, throughout her stay in the maternity unit. During delivery, every woman in labor has her own constantly present midwife who goes through all stages of childbirth with her and the future father. However, caring for the patient does not begin with her arrival at the maternity unit, but rather with the consultations with the patient and her partner during pregnancy checkups so that he too will be ready to actively help and support the expectant mother. Our intention is to make the delivery of a new life as beautiful as possible, and to enable the mother to remember the feeling in the best possible light.

24-hour patient care
painless delivery - an anesthesiologist is always present with the mother
baby and mother friendly
exceptional food and superb accommodation
Delivery rooms

Podobnik Maternity Unit has 3 state-of-the-art delivery rooms with modern, adjustable delivery tables that can be adjusted to various positions to make the delivery as comfortable as possible with as few difficulties as possible.
We are aware that childbirth is an extremely stressful time for the expectant mother, and we strive to make her stay in the maternity unit, and also in the delivery room, as comfortable as possible. We are open to all suggestions coming from our patients, and if there are no medical contraindications, we try to fulfill every wish and request. For example, during the first stage of labor, our mothers can use relaxation balls, which reduce pain and speed up the opening process, and during labor they can listen to their favorite music and enjoy in the support of their partners.
Types of delivery
We use methods of regional analgesia (epidural analgesia or single shot spinal analgesia) thus reducing the labor pains or almost completely eliminating them. Thanks to its benefits, epidural analgesia is the most popular means of pain relief in the world during childbirth. Thus, the delivery is almost painless, which is of great benefit in cases of a prolonged or difficult labor. The experience of giving birth under epidural analgesia is generally positive; mothers retain the feeling of the pressure of labor and the natural urge to push, but the beauty of childbirth is not diminished by the pain. Our experienced anesthesiologists are with the woman in labor during the entire birth, monitoring her and adjusting her medicine individually and according to the stages. The woman in labor does not need to decide in advance whether she wants epidural analgesia or not, but rather she can discuss everything with the doctors during the delivery, depending on the phase of expulsion and according to how she is feeling.
Natural childbirth means delivery without analgesia, ideally with natural labor. During such a delivery, the woman in labor moves freely and changes body positions depending on which one suits her the best and makes it easier for her to go through labor. To relieve her pain in a natural way, she can use a Pilates ball, take a shower or get a lower back massage. During this time, the woman in labor has a telemetric, or wireless CTG, which enables free movement while we monitor the fetal heartbeat. For the expulsion itself, she also chooses a position that is comfortable for her, most often sitting, on a stool or on a delivery bed that can be adjusted to a sitting position.
Cesarean section is performed in cases where the procedure is the safer option for the mother and baby. In most cases, regional anesthesia is used - spinal or epidural, under which the woman in labor does not feel pain during the procedure nor several hours after it. Under regional anesthesia, the anesthetics do not reach the baby, because they do not enter the mother's bloodstream, and the mother is awake and present during the delivery, hears the baby's first cry and immediately establishes contact with the baby. If there is an indication for it or following the mother's request, a caesarean section will be performed under general anesthesia.
Our doctors are exclusively experienced surgeons who have performed a large number of surgeries over the years. Surgeries at Podobnik Special Hospital are never performed by residents or doctors in training.
The surgery technique is a modification of the LUCS method. By employing it, we achieve minimal tissue damage, reduce the possibility of complications for the mother and the baby to a minimum. Additionally, the postoperative recovery with this method is the fastest. We use the highest quality threads for sewing tissue layers and fully resorbable sutures that are sewn under the skin. Therefore, there is no need to remove the stitches postoperatively and the scar is minimally visible.
Gentle Caesarean Section
It is performed under regional anesthesia (spinal or epidural), and the mother is awake the whole time. Upon the wishes of the parents, the partner may attend the operation and sit next to the woman in labor; so they welcome their baby together, hear the baby's first cry and together, as soon as the baby is born, establish the first contact with the baby.
Immediately after the procedure, the parents and the baby spend their first hours together in their room.
Postoperative Care
Recovery is easier because there is less pain experienced immediately after the surgery. We continuously administer an adjusted dose of analgesics intravenously to the mother in order to suppress postoperative pain in the first days after the procedure. We also give her antibiotics to prevent inflammation and for the wound to heal better.
Accommodation in private suites provide comfort and coziness to mothers, and an intimate atmosphere staying together with the baby after giving birth . A bed for a partner can be added to one-bedroom suites: we believe that closeness with the mother and father in the first days of life has a beneficial effect on the health of the newborn and its development, and that it positively affects the relationship dynamics of the entire family.

Care and food
Professional medical staff take care of mothers and babies, help with breastfeeding, and through education and practical guidance, prepare mothers for independent care of the baby after leaving the hospital.
We prepare meals in our own professionally equipped kitchen from quality ingredients of selected origin, and the food is adapted to your dietary needs. Fresh seasonal fruit is always available.
Baby and mother friendly
Our pediatricians and neonatal nurses together with gynecologists and midwives will welcome your baby. The baby will be placed on the mother's chest immediately after birth because that first skin-to-skin contact is important; it calms both the mother and the newborn. After the first examination by the pediatrician and before going to the suite, mother and baby cuddle together in the delivery room.
During your stay at the maternity unit, pediatricians and neonatal nurses will educate you about newborn nutrition, help you master breastfeeding techniques, teach you how to bathe your baby and how to clean the navel, how to care for your baby's skin and provide you with all the other necessary information to be carefree during the first days of motherhood!
We cherish the baby-and-mother-friendly concept because we want to be available to the mother and baby at all times. Mother and baby are in the good hands of our midwives and neonatal nurses 24 hours a day and enjoy complete and high-quality care. This is the time needed by the mother to fully recover from childbirth, to gain certain knowledge and acquire the skills necessary for independent care of her baby by the time they go home.
Newborn Care

Immediately after birth, the newborn is treated in the same way as in state hospitals, which we will inform you about in advance and ask for your consent. Given that we strive for each of our pregnant women to give birth on time, certainly after the 36th week of pregnancy, most of our newborns do not require special therapy after birth. The hospital has 3 incubators, so in cases of adaptation problems after birth and temporary breathing problems, the newborn in the incubator can receive oxygen and infusions.